Protect your accounts with strong log-in choices and avoid using the same login ID/password combination on multiple sites.
Login ID
When choosing a login ID, it’s more secure to use a combination of uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
A login ID should NOT include:
- Your birthdate.
- An account number.
- Easily identifiable information, like your first name.
- A common phrase.
- The name of your child or pet.
- Your Social Security number.
- The word login.
- A word that describes the account.
- Hints to your password.
Extra Security Layer
If you have the option of multi-factor authentication (MFA), use it. By combining your password with an additional factor — like your fingerprint or a code texted to your mobile phone — you get extra security. You’ll find an example of MFA when you log in to CEFCU On-Line® and Mobile Banking — called a Secure Access Code. Using MFA may mean it takes longer to log in, but each layer of security makes it harder for thieves to get into your account.
Security Questions
Setting up security questions can give you another level of protection.
- Be specific. Instead of answering blue for the color of your favorite car, use Midnight Pacific Blue Metallic 203.
- Avoid public knowledge questions. Fraudsters could guess limited-answer questions, like the month when you were born.
- Go with long answers. Don’t just answer zoo for a childhood memory, make it the summer day when I went with my cousins to the zoo.