Follow these tips to help protect your personal information.
- Choose strong passwords.
- Use multi-factor authentication when it’s offered.
- Clear your cache before and after accessing accounts.
- Protect your passwords.
- Set up alerts for your accounts and cards.
Cell phones
- Have your phone lock automatically.
- Use at least a six-digit passcode.
- Update your phone when new software is available.
- Set your phone to back up regularly.
- Consider an app to find your phone if it’s lost or stolen.
- Keep your system and web browser updated.
- Consider setting your system to update automatically.
- Use anti-virus software.
- Reset any default log-in credentials.
- Use a strong password for your network and router.
- Keep network software updated.
- Be careful how you use public Wi-Fi.
For more information protecting yourself, visit the Security Center.
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- fend off hackers
- multi-factor
- public wi-fi
- network